Back Project Catalonia to the eyes of the world. Analysis of the presence and construction of the story of the sociopolitical context of Catalonia in the international press (2010-2015)

Catalonia to the eyes of the world. Analysis of the presence and construction of the story of the sociopolitical context of Catalonia in the international press (2010-2015)

Catalonia to the eyes of the world. Analysis of the presence and construction of the story of the sociopolitical context of Catalonia in the international press (2010-2015)

Catalunya als ulls del món. Anàlisi de la presència i construcció del relat del context sociopolitic de Catalunya a la premsa internacional (2010-2015)

Investigador principal Pont-Sorribes, C.

Entitat finançadora

Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics-Generalitat de Catalunya

Data inici - Data fi

30/08/2015 - 30/08/2017

Principal researchers

Carles Pont Sorribes


Cristina Perales-García
Christopher Tulloch
Marcel Mauri
Mònica Terribas
Ricard Gili
Albert Mercadé
Rosa de les Neus
Gemma Palà
Guillem Suau